Campus closures, late openings, and early dismissals will be announced on the
WRC Status Line, (206) 248-7521.
A closure/late opening message will be posted as early in the morning as the availability of information allows for an overnight weather event. The earliest time for such an announcement will typically be 5:30 a.m. If a decision can be made the night before, our goal will be to leave a message before 9:00 p.m.
Based upon the Seattle Federal Executive Board's (SFEB) Hazardous Weather Plan, hazardous weather closure recommendations and notification to employees in the Seattle area are the responsibility of each federal agency head.
For WRC site closure events occurring during the workday, notification will be accomplished by e-mail from the WRC Facilities Manager or communicated directly by your supervisor.
For the Little Anchor Day Care closure status, please contact (206) 526-6352.
During hazardous weather events, please call the WRC Status Line at 206-248-7521 for a recorded advisory pertaining to all personnel working at the Western Regional Center (WRC) campus.
The recorded message will provide instructions in accordance with Emergency Situation Advisories issued by the Seattle Federal Executive Board (SFEB) to all Seattle area Federal agencies. Note: please do not contact the Seattle Federal Executive Board for information on Emergency Situation Advisories.
SFEB Emergency Situation Advisories will be posted on the SFEB Website:
Note: SFEB and National OPM policies regarding hazardous weather now address possibilities for telework in lieu of commuting during inclement weather episodes. SFEB now includes hazardous weather advisories which may include “unscheduled telework.” Please refer to the SFEB website or the attachments to this E-mail for SFEB’s definition of “unscheduled telework.”
NOAA personnel should consult with their management to clarify telework possibilities during inclement weather. Telework arrangements are solely within the purview of individual NOAA management centers consistent with NOAA policy as implemented by NOAA Line and Staff Offices, and are not automatically available to NOAA personnel based on SFEB advisories.
The WRC Tenant Board has agreed that a single hazardous weather advisory will be provided for all campus personnel and will be disseminated by the Buildings Management Branch.
For weather events occurring overnight and potentially affecting the morning commute, the telephone message will be updated no later than 5:30 am.
For weather events occurring during normal business hours, information on potential early dismissal would be disseminated via the WRC Status Line, broadcast E-mail to the campus, and notifications to Tenant Board managers.
Contractor/affiliate personnel working on the WRC campus should check with their employers regarding their need to report to work during hazardous weather events. Contractor/affiliate personnel are subject to restrictions on access to the WRC campus in the event of closures related to emergency situations.
Late arrivals, early dismissals, and closures for weather related events are intended to promote the safety of employees. Personnel may continue working at the WRC campus during hazardous weather, but should be aware of the following:
NOTE: facility resources available for removing snow from roads, parking lots, sidewalks, and exterior stairs are limited. It is not possible to clear all drive lanes and walkways.
Facility personnel will clear a minimal number of passages for pedestrians to access buildings, and will close some exterior staircases and walkways. Closed pedestrian routes will be posted with signs or tape. All personnel are advised to not use pedestrian routes and/or stairways posted “closed” to avoid personal injury. During episodes of inclement weather all driving and pedestrian activities may be hazardous, and all personnel are advised to exercise caution even on roads and pedestrian routes that are not closed as conditions change quickly and surfaces may be extremely slippery.
Please refer to the WRC Hazardous Weather Policy and WRC Campus Hazardous Weather Operations Plan for additional information.
UNSCHEDULED LEAVE -- Means Federal agencies will open on time, but employees not designated as "emergency employees" may take annual leave or leave without pay (LWOP) not previously scheduled with their supervisors. Employees should inform their supervisors of their intentions. Employees designated as "emergency employees" are expected to report for work on time.
UNSCHEDULED TELEWORK -- Means employees are provided the option to telework either from home or a telework site as permitted by their agency's policies and procedures and approved by their supervisor.
DELAYED ARRIVAL -- Means Federal agencies will open on time, but reasonable delays in reporting for work will be excused without loss of pay or charged to leave for non-emergency employees who experience serious commuting delays. Employees designated as "emergency employees" are expected to report for work on time.
DELAYED ARRIVAL/UNSCHEDULED LEAVE/UNSCHEDULED TELEWORK -- Means Federal agencies will open on time, but reasonable delays in reporting for work will be excused without loss of pay or charged to leave for non-emergency employees who experience serious commuting delays and employees not designated as "emergency employees" may take annual leave or leave without pay (LWOP) without the prior approval of their supervisors. Employees are provided the option to telework either from home or a telework site as permitted by their agency's policies and procedures. Employees should inform their supervisors of their intentions. Employees designated as "emergency employees" are expected to report for work on time.
EARLY DISMISSAL -- Means Federal agencies should dismiss employees in an expedient manner. Agencies should not charge leave but grant excused absences. Emergency employees would be expected to stay for their normal work schedule.
FEDERAL AGENCIES CLOSED -- Means employees are excused from duty without loss of pay or charge to leave. "Emergency employees" are expected to report for work on time.