24 Hour Emergency Contact Number:
(206) 526-4100
The Steps to Processing Federal Security Packages
If the applicant does not have a favorable current/previous security investigation on file, follow the steps below:
- Workforce Management (WFM) must invite applicant into NBIS/eAPP
- WFM needs to verify the PII inputted into NBIS/eAPP
(Examples: those who had previous NBIS/eAPP done by DoD – information needs to be updated)
- WFM must review NBIS/eAPP and upload all required documents:
- Position Details and Financial Details tabs on NBIS must be completed by WFM – TAS.
- Prints need to be mailed to Security Office or uploaded to NBIS.
Responses from our office about fingerprints:
- You will not receive an email about prints clearing.
- You will only receive a phone call from us if there are issues.
- When the NBIS/eAPP has been released it means the prints are cleared.
NOTE! It is a violation of security policy to send PII over unsecured email. Documents with PII can sent to us via Accellion, the Department's secure file transmission site. Kiteworks is located at: https://sft2.doc.gov.
PII material can also be physically mailed to us at:
U.S. Department of Commerce
Office of Security
Western Region Security Office
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115-6349