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Foreign National Access
to DoC Facilities
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Forms Travel

Background Investigation Requests:

You may request a copy of your investigation file under the provisions of the Privacy Act. For an Office of Personnel Management (OPM) investigation request, write to

   Post Office Box 618
   Boyers, PA 16018-0618

You must include your full name, Social Security Number, date and place of birth, and you must sign your request. Visit the OPM website for additional information.


Picture of the five tiers of the investigative model showing Low Risk, 
		        Moderate Risk, Classified, High Risk, and Top Secret.


Investigation Requirements

Executive Order 10450

General FAQs About OPM Background Investigations

FIN 22-02, Rescission of FIN 22-01, FY 2023 and FY 2024 Investigations Reimbursable Billing Rates

Special Agreement Check (SAC) Billing Rates


For those who will be here for 29 days or less


  • Completed Security Coversheet (Revised 05/16/2022)
  • Fingerprint card (FD-258) / unless the subject is able to go to the NOAA Pass & ID Offices located in Seattle or Silver Spring
  • OF306 (Revised August 2023)

We will run the prints. If there are no issues, an email will be sent to the sponsor.  If there are issues, the sponsor will receive a phone call from a Security Specialist. The Sponsor is able to bring the Contractor onboard (able to start) once the print results are cleared for those individuals who are here for less than 29 days.

Personnel in Low Risk Positions who will be affiliated with DOC for 30-179 days must complete a minimum of a
Special Agreement Check:


* Foreign Nationals with less than 3-years-out-of-5 residence in the US will also complete the SAC form (INV Form 86C)

Personnel who will be affiliated with DOC for 180 days or more will complete a minimum of a:
  Tier 1 Investigation (Low Risk, Non-Sensitive, Physical/Logical Access) (minimum for HSPD-12 Credentialing)


* Foreign Nationals with less than 3-years-out-of-5 residence in the US will also complete the SAC form (INV Form 86C)

  Tier 2 Investigation (Moderate Risk, Public Trust)
  Tier 4 Investigation (High Risk, Public Trust)


  Tier 3 Investigation (Non-Critical Sensitive, Confidential , Secret , L)
  Tier 5 Investigation (Critical Sensitive, Top Secret, Q, Special Sensitive, SCI)


NOTE! It is a violation of security policy to send PII over unsecured email. Documents with PII can sent to us via Kiteworks, the Department's secure file transmission site. Kiteworks is located at:   PII material can also be physically mailed to us at:

U.S. Department of Commerce
Office of Security
Western Region Security Office
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115-6349